Although this is a bit of a missive, please take a moment to read our rules and guidelines for OSSG - Obesity Surgery Support Group. Other groups may share the name OSSG, but they may or may not have similar guidelines. We ask that you abide by ours when you post to this List.
OSSG IS A MODERATED COMMUNITY: A crack team of volunteer moderators manages this email community, has defined the purpose and type of community, and is ultimately responsible for providing content or initiating member interaction.
OSSG is a fully moderated List. We moderate messages because it is a HIGH VOLUME email List. There are over *5200* members reading the email generated from this group. Due to the high volume of email that our group generates it is necessary to review each message before making it available to our members. We use the List Rules and Posting Guidelines below as our guide.
Think carefully before choosing your method of email delivery. If you choose individual email, you will be receiving many messages each day from others on the List. Some of the topics may not interest you. You are welcome to post comments, either to the person sending the email or, if relevant to the group, to everyone on the List.
***Any post sent for approval that does not meet the 'Rules/Posting Guidelines' MAY BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD WITHOUT EXPLANATION*
If you wish to discuss this with a moderator, write to:
PLEASE don't send any complaints about a message that didn't get posted to the List - send it to the MODERATORS at that address above.
Also, there are instructions for unsubscribing on our Home page as well as at the bottom of EACH message. Should you decide to unsub, use those instructions rather than writing to us to have yourself removed. Anyone planning to be away from the computer for awhile should go "No mail" in the interim.
Please follow the rules listed below:
2. NO Cross-posting with another list
3. NO soliciting (even for WLS related products)
4. NO Off-topic (non-WLS related) posts
5. Insurance issues are now OKAY!
6. NO attachments (pictures, Word docs, etc)
7. Show a CLEAR and SPECIFIC subject line
8. PRIVATE POSTS are to go to the individual and NOT the list.
9. Edit quoted text to a bare minimum
10. NO Forwarding of private emails
The two most important guidelines are:
*** Private Posts/Messages are to be sent to the individual and not the group.
Due to the high number of members (over 5200 and counting), it is essential that List mail is relevant and informative to all of our members. If you like to write, we encourage you to create an on-line journal and post your URL to the List so folks can follow your journey on the Obesity Surgery path!
Some examples of messages that should go directly to the poster and NOT the list are:
Congratulations, 'atta boys/girls', "How are you", "What are your stats" and "Thank you for your inspirational post", etc.
If your email is sent to the group and is meant for just one person, most times the moderators will return it to you with a note. However, if you are a habitual offender of this guideline, we reserve the right to delete your message without notice.
***Edit quoted text to a bare minimum.
*DO NOT QUOTE the entire message (along with footers) that you are replying to*
More often than not, the topic is apparent either in the subject line or by your response. There is no need to quote ALL OF THE MESSAGE AND FOOTERS again.
If you think the question is not apparent, please cut and paste the relevant portion at the bottom of your email. This is ESPECIALLY important for Digest members. If you hit reply, the ENTIRE digest is copied in your message. The moderators will delete any message that quotes the digest in its entirety.
Also important:
1. No HTML - Many mail readers are not configured to handle HTML posts. Please send messages in PLAIN TEXT only. If you have a question about how to make sure you are posting in plain text, please email the list owners at
2. No Cross-posting with another list. Cross-posting is defined as one email sent to more than one list and/or crossing conversations from one group to another. Many people do this to save time when sending a general post but we actively discourage it to ensure the privacy of our members. In fact, if you do crosspost an email message, chances are good it will not get sent to the List. Please take just a moment to send the message ONLY to this List.
***It doesn't matter if the same message goes to other lists, just not in the same email***
3. NO Soliciting - Do not use this List as a means of soliciting for your business even if it is WLS related. Do not gather (or harvest) email address for the same purpose.
4. NO OFF-Topic (non-WLS related) Posts - This List is for the discussion of Weight Loss Surgery. To discuss things that are NOT related, please join OSSGFriends@
5. INSURANCE POSTS are now allowed!
6. NO Attachments - do not send pictures, text files, or anything that can be attached to your email. The List is configured to strip all posts of attachments. We have a separate section where you may post such things.
7. Show a clear and specific subject line - make sure your subject line reflects the message contained therein. Many people filter their email by subject headers and if you respond to a post (for example) where the subject is DUMPING because it is a continuation of someone else's post on that topic but your post is asking for help with protein issues, someone who may be able to help you won't have read the email because they thought it was about dumping and they have no interest in that.
8. NO forwarding of private emails: If someone has written you something privately, please do not post it to the board. They sent it PRIVATELY because they did not want anyone else to see it; elsewise they would have sent it to the group. Please respect their privacy and don't send it along for approval.
We thank you for reading this and encourage your feedback and comments to make the ORIGINAL OSSG list the best it can be!
Lisa Mahon (Owner)
Steve Petrica
Cindy Sunshine
Olwen Williams
(and in spirit, Lisa Bevan)
PLEASE GO TO: - send email to group - send private email to the Moderators - unsubscribe from list - switch to normal mode - switch to digest mode - switch to No Mail/Web Reading Membership Information
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Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to Traditional
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