OSSG - Obesity Surgery Support Group
WLS - weight loss surgery
OS - obesity surgery
RNY - Roux-en-Y
VBG - Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
AGB - adjustable gastric band
Open RNY - Roux-en-Y (to open the stomach cavity to perform the surgery)
Lap Band - a Laparoscopic Banding procedure
Lap - Laparoscopic ( to access the stomach cavity by way of instruments through small incisions)
RNY/DS - Roux-en-Y/ duodenal switch
Dumping - nausea, chills and diarrhea, or any combination thereof, which can occur in SOME postops as a result of eating too much fat and/or sugar.
Co-morbidity - a disease or ailment directly resulting from obesity
BMI - Body Mass Index
TT - tummy tuck
Apron - excess skin on lower abdomen following weight loss
Batwings - excess skin on arms following weight loss
Angel - a volunteer who will report to the list, on the post-operative recovery of a member, including making personal visits if it's geographically possible.
lol - laugh out loud
btw - by the way
imho - in my humble opinion
flaming - to attack or insult another on the Internet
dh - dear husband
ymmv - your mileage may vary
roflmao - rolling on floor laughing my ass off
np - no problem
brb - be right back
jk - just kidding
<g> - grin
<eg> - evil grin
mailto:OSSG@yahoogroups.com - send email to group
mailto:OSSG-owner@yahoogroups.com - send private email to the Moderators
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